Welcome welcome one and all to the page of health... If you sang that you’re perhaps as much of a Rudder fan as I am.

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Breakfast Pop Ups

Corporate Wellness

Health Content Writing

Nutrition Marketing

Allow me to introduce myself.

First Name: Zakiya-Tuere

Last name: Savary

Naming my brand was pretty easy because it gets right to the point, much like I'm about to do right now.

TuereTalks was born out of a purpose that I sincerely believe I was born with. For as long as I could remember, I had a deep- rooted interest in all things health, nutrition and wellness.

I grew up in a pretty healthful food environment which, in itself, has captivated me ever since.

Fast forward to formal education, where after choosing Food & Nutrition at the CSEC level I opted to do an undergraduate programme in Nutritional Sciences with a minor in Communication Studies and later a graduate degree in Health Education & Promotion. 

So much has changed since completing my studies, but a constant is this pull to be involved in Health Promotion at the community level.