On the 7th of this month, we celebrate World Health Day.

The theme for World Health Day 2023 is "Health for All". I had to ask myself, what about the theme resonated with me? Health is so multi-disciplinary so where do we even start?

What encompasses a long and healthy life?

I think there are different ways the essence of this question continues to be asked, but what remains the same is being cognizant of what we can and cannot control with regards to the answer. Depending on where you are on your journey of health can determine the answer as it is not something that can be painted with a broad brush.

Health & starting where you are

I feel like the factors that affect this can present itself on a continuum of control. Our genetics are our genetics, that’s the very beginning. However, we can move the needle a bit in terms of medical care (because public health care exists). Regarding our environmental & physical influences, take this example into consideration. Controlling your immediate environment can look like what you decide to bring home from the supermarket as a snack. If the fruit basket on your kitchen counter is overflowing, it is much more likely that you would indulge in fruit. Conversely, if you keep chocolate bars in the drawer of your desk rather than on the surface of your desk, you’re probably less likely to eat more than the average serving. When referring to our behaviours, it can get a bit tricky because behaviour change does not happen overnight, but it is very possible over time by showing yourself empathy and understanding the reason you may be resistant to change. And lastly, with social factors which include social connections. For instance, we may eat differently when alone compared to with others; sometimes even when we’re with our family compared to friends. Find more on social determinants of health, here.

Health & privilege

We all have access to varying levels of resources, whether that be financial or otherwise. We cannot take for granted that everyone’s starting line actually differs. Some people may see a treat as sushi on a weekly basis, others may celebrate a milestone at a 4-star restaurant once for the year and there is a large gap in between those 2 events that many people may fall into. As the saying goes, “doh hang yuh hat where yuh han’ cyah reach” so eat and treat within your means. Strike the balance between remembering the difference between paying for something & affording it and remembering that money is energy that goes and comes.

Health & the Caribbean

Holding unto traditional practices as Caribbean people, helps us, not only continue to reject colonialism, but equally as important- we realise we always know, intuitively what is best for our health. Locally grown foods are chock full of nutrients and depending on how they are prepared and paired, even more value can be added. Including local foods in your lunch line up also aids the agricultural landscape of the country. Often times, we are made to feel as if international is better, but there is more than enough room for what is home grown and if international flavour is your preference, that can easily be achieved by way of the seasoning you choose to add to local produce.


Whatever aspect of health you choose to intentionally focus on, try to make it fun and don’t take yourself too seriously, as this can also cause chronic stress which obviously isn’t the best for health either.


My kind of Day


This one is for the girls, all around the world.