This one is for the girls, all around the world.

Today, 8th March, we celebrate International Women’s Day!

The theme this year is #EmbraceEquity and that means creating an inclusive world.

An inclusive world of opportunities for women and girls.

And more creatively, an inclusive opportunity to incorporate all types of foods that taste good and are good for you in your diet.

We have all we need within us, but there are certain aspects that we are responsible for to be our best selves every day. Don’t get me wrong, your best looks different in various seasons, but deep down you always know if you gave something your all or not. And now I want to delve a bit into the autonomy we have over our own health.

1. Periods, am I right?

I’m no hormone specialist, but alot of times those imbalances can be associated with discomfort and pain during your cycle. It can range from very minimal to downright excruciating and may even interrupt everyday life for some. If you’re on the extreme pain end of the spectrum it’s super important to seek the guidance of a specialist. However, for some who can still function with the discomfort, have no fear because there are measures that can be taken to reduce or remove this pain all together. Feel free to use this as a general guide when it comes to food and your cycle.

2. Be your sister’s keeper

We are literally all in this together. We have got to make the most of this simulation and support is crucial. If you come across a new snack in the supermarket and remember that your friend said she was on the lookout for additions in her snack rotation you better snap that pic and WhatsApp her with the quickness! Or if you come across a new online workout routine, share it with your sistren or better yet, workout together! Everyone is going through something, and your simple message may help brighten their day. Conversely, if sis is acting out of pocket, you can lovingly point out a lack she may not see in herself and encourage healthy coping habits to learn and grow.

3. Allies are important

If your bredrens encourage you to drink as much as they do, perhaps- get new ones. The female body literally cannot process the same amount of alcohol as our male counterparts. And excessive alcohol use can also affect your cycle- how long it lasts, how heavy it gets. Now I’m not saying not to indulge, but if you do, you are the only one who knows your body and your limits, best. Don’t let no man ‘tek yuh fi eediat’.


There are countless factors that affect how we show up and take up space in this world, but being comfortable in your body and making intentional decisions regarding that same body definitely make your existence and experience that much better.

May we always remember how phenomenal we all are and that without us, this world wouldn’t be half as magical as it is.
— Zakiya-Tuere Savary

On the 7th of this month, we celebrate World Health Day.


My love for vegetables knows no end